Opti Train takes mindfulness one step further than meditation. It trains performance.
Swipe right or left to choose a performance area to train your brain for.
The first option, “Train” is a generic training tutorial. It can be applied to any performance area.

Opti Train requires an external device to connect to your brain.
Follow the screens to help you connect to your brain sensing device.
When all the quadrants of your virtual brain have filled in solid, the app can sense your brain.

Upon starting your training, the app will automatically calibrate to your brain signals.
These signals can drastically vary day to day and even session to session.
Be still until the calibration is done, then the training will automatically start.

You have the option to turn off the auto-calibrate and manually select your Opti Index goal.
An Opti Index is a percentage of how ready your brain is to perform. The higher the Opti Index the better.

Your objective is to reach your Opti Index goal just prior to your performance.
Step by step audio instructions walk you through how to use the brain training feedback.
If you would like to train without instructions select “Free Train”.

Research has shown that when the brain’s thinking and feeling parts fire simultaneously, the brain performs at its best!
If the brain thinks too much you do not perform well. Alternatively, if the brain just wings it and does not think enough you also do not perform well.
When the brain’s thinking pattern and feeling pattern are both working at the same level your brain is in an optimal performance pattern.

It does not matter how your mood is affecting your brain activity.
You could be completely calm with low levels of brain activity. You could also be on an adrenaline high with bursting amounts of brain activity.
In any environment, Opti Train’s non-linear algorithm calculates how synchronized your thinking and feeling brain patterns are. It then gives you an assessment of you brain pattern in the form of the Opti index.

To increase your Opti Index score, follow the on-screen visual and audio feedback.
A higher Opti Index means a more synchronized brain ready to perform Better Than Your Best!
Audio feedback includes music playing. When the music is loud your opti index is under your goal. When the music plays quieter your opti index has surpassed your goal.
There are multiple forms of visual feedback you can choose from including:
- showing your Opti Index score,
- displaying both your current Opti Index level and your goal in the form of a thermometer,
- a video playing when you have reached your goal and stopping when you have not,
- a brain divided into four quadrants that shows brightly colored when you have reached your goal,
- and floating sparks that decrease in confusion the higher your Opti Index rises.