Supporting Research

Supporting Research

Built From Performance Backwards Opti is based on over 30 years of research done by Debbie Crews, Ph.D. during her mental coaching career as an LPGA golf trainer. Brain activity was monitored with an electroencephalogram (EEG) during tens of thousands of putts during her research of performance optimization. Her findings have lead to the development of patented brain training programs to help you BETTER YOUR BEST®! Three published studies testing the effects of Opti Train showed a 22% increase in the average putts made following 15 Opti Train trials. Purchase an Opti Subscription Package to start training your brain today! Opti has also been inspired by the research of other brilliant minds that Debbie Crews has collaborated with. Below are some links to some of the research that has lead to…
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Enhancing Practice with OPTI Brain

Enhancing Practice with OPTI Brain

Theory & Research
Enhancing Practice with OPTI Brain Written by Judi Adams - 2x Olympic Archer, Coach, Author, and Avid Opti User When I was competing, I remember how hard it was at times to transition from work or school to sports practice. With assignments due or a full work schedule, I had to fit my practice session into a cleverly crafted time period. These sessions barely fit my schedule, but I could tell it was less than ideal for my state of mind. As a coach now, I see similar challenges in decompressing from a busy and sometimes stressful day. It occurred to me that Opti Brain could be leveraged to get your brain into an effective and efficient state that would enable an optimal practice session. Pre-Practice Theory I still practice almost…
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Opti with Mike Malaska

Opti with Mike Malaska

Theory & Research Opti With Mike Malaska Some fun points Debbie Crews reviews with Mike Malaska about how to use Opti Train! 1. Your goal is to make the music feedback low. 2. Your brain is running the music! 3. Your performance ready mind doesn't require thinking too much. 4. Opti Train teaches you to recognize and find your performance ready mind every time. 5. Everyone finds a unique way to reach their performance ready brain pattern. 6. Opti Train helps you create/find a natural preparation routine before completing your putt. 7. This routine does not include much thought but is more of an automatic body response when done correctly.
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Opti Train: Two Ways to Train

Opti Train: Two Ways to Train

Theory & Research
Two Ways to Train There are two primary ways to train. The first way simply includes sitting still while watching visual feedback on the screen of your device. This method is similar to meditation. However, Opti Train is training something different than a calm mind. It is training your performance ready mind. Not unlike meditation practice it is normal for your mind to wander and only stay a couple seconds in your optimal performance pattern at a time. It is more important to be able to create your performance pattern on cue than to stay in your performance pattern for an extended amount of time. There are multiple forms of visual feedback offered in the app. The one featured in the above clip is video feedback. The video pauses…
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